Thursday, 18 September 2014

Grammar - A Helping Hand

Name:­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­________________________________        Date:________________________
My aim:  to identify adjectives.

Tip:  An adjective is a describing word, for example:
The sea was stormy but the little boat sailed on.  The word stormy is an adjective describing sea, and the word little is an adjective describing boat. 

Read this story and underline the adjectives.  They describe people, animals and things.

The Three Billy Goats Gruff
In a green valley, there lived the Three Billy Goats Gruff.  During the long days of summer, they liked

nothing better than to feel the warm sun on their faces and the gentle breeze in their curly beards. 

Most of all, their favourite sport was to run in the swaying grass, and, of course, eat it.  The smallest

billy goat was the fastest, because he was very fit.  The biggest billy goat

was the oldest and slowest, but he was very strong.  The middle-sized

billy goat was the tallest and the most curious.  He was able to see

as far as the beautiful meadow on the other side of the rickety

bridge and wonder if the grass tasted sweeter there.

There are adjectives in this story that compare the sizes of the billy goats and how sweet the grass is.  These are adjectives ending in:
er and est.
Complete these comparisons:






Grammar and Creativity by Jim Edmiston is published by LCP.

More information can be found here:




Sunday, 11 May 2014

My Dog Smells Better Than Me

You could learn to make a chair by trial and error or by watching an older craftsman at work.  The master craftsman could make a sample and communicate what he or she is doing by asking for the ‘spiky, cutting thing’ or describing a mortise and tenon joint as ‘how one piece of wood slots snugly into another usually at an angle of ninety degrees’, but, in a way, this is just a renaming of two commonly-used ideas: saw and mortise and tenon joint.  Teaching carpentry includes naming the tools, techniques and how to avoid embarrassing or dangerous mistakes.  But if it stopped there, it wouldn't be a successful course of study.  A successful teacher would encourage the student to explore how to use his or her imagination in the application of the techniques they've learnt.
Those primary teachers of a certain age, who went through the school system at a time when grammar wasn't taught explicitly, have had to resort to the ‘spiky, cutting thing’ technique of teaching the rules of English.  Not knowing the terminology, wary of entering the apparently esoteric world of grammar, or possibly discouraged to do so because it was seen to stifle creativity, they invented their own concepts.  They resorted to other strategies when communicating to pupils, parents and other teachers.

So, instead of conjunctions, relative pronouns and adverbs used in particular cases, teachers coined the term connective.  Adverbial phrases at the start of a sentence are described as openers.  Words may have been described very helpfully in terms of their functions: naming words, doing and being words, describing words in place of nouns, verbs and adjectives, often without progression on to more precise terms.  In practice, this can work reasonably well.  It certainly contains the essential idea that the role of a word in a sentence is important.  But you can see its lack of precision and potential for confusion: verbs are very descriptive, adverbs can describe a verb, an adjective or another adverb. 

Similarly, I've heard many teachers explain the use of a comma in terms of its being a place where you take a breath when reading a sentence.  That’s fine for reading, but that’s not why they’re there, and doesn’t help the writer; for example: “When it saw the dog our – breath – cat Lucy jumped up – breath –  the tree and stayed there for the – breath –  whole day.”

This suggests there is a need for grammar terminology as a shared language in which teacher and student can discuss and evaluate the student’s work.  It isn’t necessary to pile it on to children before they can cope with it, but they do cope well with a range of concepts in other subjects.  They are used to talking, for example, about gravity, evaporation and habitat in science; meander, coastal erosion and magma in geography; pitch, volume and dynamics in music, and so on.  Part and parcel of our teaching any subject is the introduction of relevant concepts as we go along.  Why make an exception for a language about language?  As I said, the grammar that is taught will necessarily have to be tailored to the needs of the children.  It may not be important to teach the difference between, say, dependent and independent clauses, or talk about copular verbs; but it’s useful to know the function of words in sentences and how those functions plus punctuation is essential to meaning. 

This doesn’t mean that the teaching of English has to be dry and humourless.  Including examples of the fun you can have with English help to stop your junior school class using their rulers to saw their rubbers in half.  Getting them to discuss the ambiguities of My dog smells better than me or If you think any of our waiters are rude, you ought to see the manager will introduce the kind of detached playfulness that is part of creative writing.

Friday, 9 May 2014

Wired for Grammar

Our brains are wired for grammar.  We use it to make sense of the world: this is round, that is square; my shoes are blue and made of suede, your slacks are beige and don’t reach down to your sandals; I cried yesterday, I’m smiling now and I’ll be laughing my head off tomorrow; you are not me, it is not them, and we are not her or him; my views are sensible and rational, your prejudices are irrational.  And so on.

Words and their arrangements describe, delineate and order experience and, importantly, give you distance and more control over your situation.  Understanding an experience by giving it words makes you less of a slave to it, though other encumbrances, such as poverty and low status may still bar the way.  Even then, the words will help you pinpoint the problem.

Discussions of grammar and creativity are dragged into the usual Platonic stramash between traditionalists and progressives, the prosaic and the passionate, the precise and the unpredictable.  Such extreme positions, however, are like wallflowers on opposite sides of the dance floor.  On the ground, in the classroom, it is not one or the other.  It’s more a case of starting with some sort of plan then adding improvisation: a combining of knowledge of the structures plus a willingness and desire to explore new pathways.  It has to be this way because, as a teacher, you’re dealing on the spot with children’s different levels of understanding and needs.  Those distant authorities – academic or political – who would like to keep tabs on things either for well-meaning educational or dodgy ideological reasons, may have something to contribute but they are not dealing with a child’s needs on a Monday morning.  Whatever strictures are placed on the content of the classroom and however much it is monitored by Ofsted (or your country’s school inspectors), it will always be more like jazz than either a pianola roll or a cat strolling along the piano keys.

You could say, ‘Well, I can play piano perfectly well without having to read music or knowing what an arpeggio is.’  Of course, you can and your improvisation skills are impressive.  But when it comes to communicating – the medium of education – you’re going to need some words, some terminology.  Have you listened to kids teaching each other how to skateboard?  They describe doing ollies in half-pipes, and goofy-foots performing fakies and McTwists.  I’ve no idea what I just wrote, but they do because it’s part of their linguistic community.  It comes with membership.  

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Grammar, Jimi Hendrix and Gravity

2013 was a year of grammar books: notably by N. M. Gwynne, Harry Ritchie and David Marsh.  A stack of unwanted gifts easily offloaded at the charity shop?  Hardly.  Especially when Mr Gove has made the teaching of grammar statutory from this coming September.  Unfortunately, his intervention has muddied the water.  Being in favour of the explicit teaching of grammar in primary school has already been portrayed as a neglect of creative writing and a move away from ‘child-centredness’ and the territory of the grammar nazi. 

Fortunately, grammar isn’t Gove’s or any minister’s to give or withhold.  And creativity cannot, by its nature, be repressed.  If you are a teacher, however, the question remains: what do I teach?
Grammar and creativity: why can’t we have both?  I’d go further.  We must have both.  We just have to recognise the role that they both play in the teaching and learning of English.

Learning grammar is a closed activity like learning the alphabet and should be accepted as such, rather than denigrated as a waste of time, and something imposed by an elitist bunch of jackbooted, old-fashioned grammarians.  Creative writing is an open-ended, albeit directed, activity and mustn’t be skipped or dismissed as a frivolous add-on.  The one provides structure and clarity of meaning; the other promises delightful adventures in writing.  They can be separated analytically, but not in practice.  Analogies might include technology and design, skeleton and skin, the pentatonic scales and Jimi Hendrix.    

It is true, as Ritchie and many others point out, that we pick up the rules and structures of English by early everyday experience, intuition and trial and error, but that doesn’t mean that to continue in that vein is the only, best or fairest way to proceed.  For example, finding out very early in life that a toy thrown from the pram falls downwards might be all you need to get by in life, to stay away from cliff edges and place your glass of wine on a horizontal surface.  But we might want to talk about the concept of gravity at some stage.  

Grammar Helpers

Grammar Helpers