Sunday 27 October 2013

New Grammar Books for Schools

Four new grammar and creative writing books, full of photocopiable worksheets, will soon be available for teachers of children from 7 - 11 years old.  They will be published by LCP from whom advanced publicity, pre-orders - - and discounts can be arranged.  Take a look at their web pages - www. uk.  The final proof-reading procedures are almost finished.  I'm very excited about the approach of publication date, as well being delighted with the support and enthusiasm of the publishers throughout.  Jess, my contact there, has been great.

Each of the books is full of my black-and-white illustrations, some of which you can see here.  There will be an accompanying CD, full of coloured illustrations, for use on interactive whiteboards.

This is a completely new blog, but in the future, return regularly to find grammatical tips, howlers and, if you feel inclined, make your own contributions.

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